Workforce SCC

Workforce Santa Cruz County
Santa Cruz County provides many services through Workforce Santa Cruz County (WFSCC) including hiring fairs, employee retention, on the job training and many other services. Workforce Santa Cruz County is a fully integrated workforce development system that maximizes human and business capital by promoting a well trained workforce for Santa Cruz County employers, while insuring individual economic security and community vitality. Led by a dynamic Board that is empowered to effect change, WFSCC is committed to customer satisfaction and standards of performance in meeting the needs of job seekers, incumbent workers and local business alike.
You can find more information about Workforce Santa Cruz County here:
Guide to Workforce Assistance for Employers in Santa Cruz County
Monterey Bay Internships
Monterey Bay Internships is a resource that helps ease the transition for young adults from higher education to the workforce. Employers can take advantage of the talent developed from schools like Cabrillo College, CSU Monterey Bay, Hartnell College, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey Peninsula College, and UC Santa Cruz. Through this program students receive the training necessary to meet the employment needs of our local business community. Together we can help our region thrive.
If your business would like to provide an internship opportunity, please contact MBI at .